
ITMedia Consulting is a economic research and consulting company operating in the field of video content and digital media.

What distinguishes ITMedia Consulting is its focus on the digital transition, with an established competence on market analysis, business development, regulation & competition policy, content accessibility and convergence between media - internet - telecommunications.


ITMedia Consulting has improved its expertise by working with international clients, such as policy makers, competition and regulatory authorities, operators - incumbents, new entrants, streaming services and digital platforms - and proposing itself as point of reference to face challenges of the digital transformation.

An innovative approach, highly-skilled top management, its international dimension, reputation and independence enable ITMedia Consulting to offer high-quality customized services, targeted to specific client needs.


TV advertising in 2007

The year 2007 saw the strengthening of new TV technologies: the DTT success, the emerging IPTV offers, the diffusionn of audiovisual content over mobile phones, the proliferation of Internet video content settle a new audiovisual landscape, which is changing public's consuption habits.
The digital platforms offer their clients new services, often connected with interactivity: video on demand, catch up TV, forum and chat rooms with other video fans. The latter are just a fraction of the newest commercial formulas.

The advertising industry looks for alternative commercial formats, fitting this new framework. Split screen or product placenment try to compansate the decreasing shares of TV advertising, while on the Internet search engines, sponsored links and grafic formats accont for the largest share of the market growth.

In spite of this changes, the TV advertising market grew by 3.2% in volume in 2007. However, each country displayed different patterns: in Spain TV advertising is still quite a lively market, but in the United Kingdom the market is nearly still: only +1% over 2006. On the other hand, here the Internet represents 15% of the advertising market and in 2007 Google advertising revenue overcame those at Channel 4 and ITV.

57% of Europeans now regularly access the Internet each week. For the first time ever, 16-24 years olds are now accessing the Internet more frequently than they are watching TV - 82% of this young demographic use the Internet between 5 and 7 days each week while only 77% watch TV as regularly (a decrease of 5%since last year). 16-24 years olds also spend 10% more time surfing the Internet then sat in front of the television and almost half (48%) claim their TV consumption has droppen off as a direct result of the Internet.

While youth are putting online ahead of TV, the number of those watching TV has remained stable at 86% for the last three years.

The Internet is rapidly becoming a hub for all media with Internet users increasingly consuming media such as magazines, newspapers, radio and TV digitally.

The number of people watching TV, film o video clips online at least once a month has grown a massive 150% since 2006. This is accelerated by a further increase in broadband penetration - 8 out of 10 (81%) of all Internet users now use a broadband connection.

More info in the Annual Report Turning Digital

Every year ITMedia Consulting publishes a multi-client research exploring the hot topics in digital communications.
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