
ITMedia Consulting è una società di ricerca e consulenza economica che opera nel campo dei contenuti video e dei media digitali.

Ciò che contraddistingue la società è la sua attenzione alla transizione digitale, con una riconosciuta competenza nell'analisi di mercato, nello sviluppo del business, nella regulation e competition policy, nell'accessibilità dei contenuti e nella convergenza tra media - internet - telecomunicazioni.

ITMedia Consulting ha sviluppato tali competenze lavorando con clienti internazionali, quali organismi di regolamentazione e concorrenza, operatori - storici e nuovi entranti, servizi di streaming e piattaforme digitali - proponendosi come punto di riferimento per affrontare le sfide della trasformazione digitale.

L'approccio innovativo, un top management altamente qualificato, la dimensione internazionale, la reputazione di cui gode e la sua indipendenza consentono a ITMedia Consulting di offrire servizi personalizzati di alta qualità, mirati alle specifiche esigenze dei clienti.


2021 Multiclient Premium Pack

Last days of the Early Bird offer

In 2020 ITMedia Consulting continued its research and consulting activity, helping its clients to reduce the risks and to take advantage of the emerging opportunities in the world of content and digital convergence.  

The research reports, anticipated and taken up by the major newspapers, have always represented one of the Main points of ITMedia Consulting's Multiclient offer, which counts among its customers the most important national and international players in the sector. 

VOD in Europe 2020-2023 on ADVANCED TELEVISION
[...] Online services will continue to grow with the acceleration of Amazon Prime Video’s production of new Italian content and the launch of Disney+ in Italy from March 24th. The proliferation of new content will also make the role of aggregators fundamental, with Sky Italia and TIM likely to play a privileged role. [...]

XVIII Annual Report Turning Digital on ADVANCED TELEVISION
[...] This figure represents an increase of 1.5 per cent over the previous year, but revenues could fall by 10 per cent in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. [...]
[...] The consultancy estimates that the total revenues of the AVoD sector (excluding YouTube) in 2019 represent 15 per cent of the entire Western European TV and video market, with the UK and Germany accounting for over one third of the total. [...]

The Italian Television Market 2020-2022 on MIAMARKET
[...] By the end of 2020, the TV offer broadcast on BbTv (broadband) will be present in 9.2 million homes (5.9 million in 2019), for an average annual growth rate of 25%. With a growth rate of 3.5%, the Italian TV market will reach 8.3 billion euros, thanks to “especially the recovery expected in 2020 that will bring revenues back to the levels of 2018.”. [...]

In 2021, ITMedia Consulting will keep on offering more innovative services, to answer the great challenges imposed by the sector. Research reports will continue to be at the heart of the Multiclient Services, available individually or, even on more favorable terms, in packages.

The Multiclient Premium Pack offer is now available on SPECIAL PRICE PROMOTION - EARLY BIRD for those who subscribe by January 31, 2021.

- For further information and details, contact us

- To buy Multiclient Premium Pack, click here
Ogni anno ITMedia Consulting realizza rapporti di ricerca multi-cliente sui principali temi che caratterizzano il settore della comunicazione digitale
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