
ITMedia Consulting is a economic research and consulting company operating in the field of video content and digital media.

What distinguishes ITMedia Consulting is its focus on the digital transition, with an established competence on market analysis, business development, regulation & competition policy, content accessibility and convergence between media - internet - telecommunications.


ITMedia Consulting has improved its expertise by working with international clients, such as policy makers, competition and regulatory authorities, operators - incumbents, new entrants, streaming services and digital platforms - and proposing itself as point of reference to face challenges of the digital transformation.

An innovative approach, highly-skilled top management, its international dimension, reputation and independence enable ITMedia Consulting to offer high-quality customized services, targeted to specific client needs.


Mobile_broadband_cover_pageReleased on December 3, 2008

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In the next few years Mobile Broadband will be a key driver for ICT as well as media investments.

Market players - content providers, broadcasters, media and internet companies, broadband platforms and telephone operators - will be all involved in such a shift and shall be able to take advantage of the market developments.

IT Media Consulting estimates that by end of 2008 almost 24 million users in Europe will access the internet via mobile phone, generating € 5 billion revenue.


The figure will turn into 51 million users in 2012, with a relevant € 13 billion revenue, thus representing 12% of mobile operators revenue.
  • What will the weight of mobile entertainment services be compared to voice services?
  • How will mobile phone usage change and which strategies can be shaped by the main players?
  • What new opportunities for advertisers?

The answers in the new Report by ITMedia Consulting, "Broadband, Media and Advertising. The Future is Mobile", 50 pages of figures, tables and charts explaining how convergence will boost Mobile Broadband.

Index of content, tables and figures

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