ITMedia Consulting is able to support customers to find the best positioning on the market, assisting them in the main strategic choices.

Thanks to the wide experiance gained at the national and international level, ITMedia Consulting is the best option for companies in the decision-making processes related to entering new digital markets.

Among our clients:

3 Italia, AC Nielsen, Alcatel, Almaviva, Amazon, Apa, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Cairo Communication, Canal Plus, CaratTV, Confindustria Servizi Innovativi, Chili, Council of Europe, Dahlia TV, De Agostini, Discovery, Enel, European Audiovisual Observatory, European Commission, Facebook/Meta, Fastweb, Fox International Channels, France Télécom, Google, Infront, Mediaset, Mediolanum, Mediametrie, Metroweb, Mix, MPA (Motion Picture Association), Netflix, Nielsen, Paribas, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Programme MEDIA, Publikompass, Publitalia, Radio France, Rai, RaiSat, RaiWay, RCS, Sat2000, Seat, SIAE, Sipra, Sirti, Sky Italia, Sony, Telecinco, Telecom Italia, Telecom Italia Media, Telepiù, TF1, The Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, Tiscali, Viacom, Vivendi, Vodafone, Wind.

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