Happy Chritsmas Holidays and Thank You
2020 was a terrible year, which profoundly marked not only the world economies but also our lives. ITMedia Consulting, despite such a difficult year, has not failed in its role as an authoritative and independent advisor, helping its clients to reduce risks and take advantage of the opportunities that are emerging today in the world of content and digital convergence.
The major transformations of the sector have been accelerated in some ways by the pandemic, with the lockdown and the social distancing, which have encouraged people to spend more time at home to watch entertainment even in the new streaming mode.
In this changing scenario, ITMedia Consulting has accepted the challenge posed by the innovation and the health emergency, expanding and diversifying its proposal, through the development of an online platform, capable of offering products and services more suited to the new competitive environment.
- Convergence in Media and Telecom in the face of COVID-19: Europe in a Transatlantic and International Perspective
- VOD in Europe at the time of COVID-19: 2020-2023
- Turning Digital: Time to Stream
- Il mercato televisivo in Italia: 2020-2022 - La televisione cambia pelle
- Big Data e Intelligenza Artificiale: Condivisione e accesso ai dati tra mercato, concorrenza e regole
CONFERENCES (in collaboration with):
- Fondation Robert Schuman: Streaming media and Telecommunication: the turning point?
- AGCOM e NCRTV - Italian and Greek regulation authorities: AVMSD implementation in the fast changing European market for content
- International Institute of Communications (IIC): Competition in Digital Markets Series – Big Data, Pluralism and Fake News
- Adec / Organo di Vigilanza: Reti di comunicazione a prova di pandemia: criticità e prospettive di sviluppo
- Centro Studi Americani Convergenza Media e Tlc al tempo del COVID-19
- AGCOM e NCRTV - Italian and Greek regulation authorities: Online Conference: the AVMSD implementation
ITMedia Consulting's activites and products have been at the center of interest of the major Italian and international media. For further details.
In thanking you for the continuing trust and interest shown even in such a difficult time, ITMedia Consulting renews its commitment to an even more challenging and attractive 2021.