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Rapporto ITMedia Consulting sul mercato televisivo in Italia 


Anche quest'anno l'uscita del nuovo rapporto ITMedia Consulting "Il mercato televisivo in Italia: 2016-2018. Crescita strutturale o passeggera?" è stata ripresa dalle maggiori testate internazionali.
Segnaliamo in particolare:
Italy’s television industry will generate income of about 8 billion euros this year, growing about 5 percent from 2015, according to ITMedia Consulting. 
The TV market in Italy has shown signs of recovery in 2016 that calls to an end the period of deep structural crisis that affected the sector, according to a report by Rome-based ITMedia Consulting.

The television market is showing strong signs of recovery, seemingly closing the period of deep structural crisis in the sector definitively. In 2016 total revenue grew to €404 million overall, up 5% on 2015. Confirming this is the "Il Mercato Televisivo in Italia: 2016-2018" (lit. "The Television Market in Italy : 2016-2018") report compiled by ITMedia Consulting, which has been analysing the evolution of the market in detail for years, providing forecasts for the years to come.


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