The TV market in Italy 2014-2016. Large-scale manoeuvres waiting for recovery
The TV market in Italy 2014-2016. Large-scale manoeuvres waiting for recovery
The Tv market will grow again moderately starting from the second half of 2015, but it wlil not reach the 2008 value.
After another negative perfomance in 2014, advertising will start catching up in 2015, and will compete as primary market resource, with a 40% share.
There's a growing awarness of the multichannel offer among the Italian consumers. Digital terrestrial Tv proves itself as the main consumption platform, but while traditional Tv is still prevalent, it starts perceiving the development of new consumption models for linear and not linear content.
According to ITMedia Consulting, this follows growing competion resulting from the diffusion of broadband as for content distribution, and in the coming years will involve the pay Tv sector more considerably.
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