The New Report by ITMedia Consulting - The TV Market in Italy: 2017-2019
How TV changes in Italy
After the clear signs of recovery in the previous two years, culminated with a +5.4% last year, the TV market in 2017, monitored by ITMedia Consulting in the eleventh report The Television Market in Italy: 2017-2019, shows contradictory signals within a context of substantial downturn: if, on the one hand, pay-TV continues to grow, on the other hand, the decrease in license fee revenues, deriving from the lower revenue in the electricity bill and the substantial levelling of advertising, mean that in 2017 the market as a whole will close with a negative figure, around 1% compared to 2016. If we consider only the resources of the market, advertising and pay-TV, the overall market grows at a rate of over 1%.
Is this a first decline which anticipates another period of crisis or is it mainly linked to cyclical factors (license fee reduction)?
The new report is analyzing the new scenario, outlining with data, tables and charts, the changes that will take place in the next three years. The report provides growth forecasts for the overall market as well as individual resources (license fee, advertising and subscriptions), from different platforms (terrestrial, satellite, Broadband TV), and the market shares of the main players in Italy (RAI, Mediaset, Sky and minor players).
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The TV Market in Italy 2016-2018. Stable or transient recovery?
The television market in 2016 shows clear signs of recovery after a period of stagnation and profound crisis in the industry. Total revenues have increased thanks to additional revenue from licence fees, the growth of advertising and the slight recovery of the pay TV after a year of recession, mainly due to broadband offers.
The advertisement shows encouraging signs of recovery after a long period of recession and stagnation, thanks to a series of factors: the recovery of generalist channels (in particular Rai), thanks to the great attraction and popularity as the Olympics and European Football Championship events ; a better quality offer, also due to increased competition and consolidation of major international operators in the thematic channels markets on DTT; strong growth of online revenues. All this has resulted in a growth rate of around 6% in 2016, which allowed this resource to reach nearly 40% of total revenues, overtaking the pay-TV.
In 2016 the total market grew by a total of € 404 million, at a rate of over 5% compared to 2015.
Is this a permanent or temporary recovery? ITMedia Consulting's Report on "The Television Market in Italy: 2016-2018" will address this crucial question.
The new report is analyzing the new scenario, outlining with data, tables and charts, the changes that will take place in the next three years. The report provides growth forecasts for the overall market as well as individual resources (license fee, advertising and subscriptions), for different platforms (terrestrial, satellite, Broadband TV), and the market shares of the main players in Italy (RAI, Mediaset, Sky).
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The TV market in Italy 2014-2016. Large-scale manoeuvres waiting for recovery
- The Tv market will grow again moderately starting from the second half of 2015, but it wlil not reach the 2008 value.
- After another negative perfomance in 2014, advertising will start catching up in 2015, and will compete as primary market resource, with a 40% share.
- There's a growing awarness of the multichannel offer among the Italian consumers. Digital terrestrial Tv proves itself as the main consumption platform, but while traditional Tv is still prevalent, it starts perceiving the development of new consumption models for linear and not linear content.
- According to ITMedia Consulting, this follows growing competion resulting from the diffusion of broadband as for content distribution, and in the coming years will involve the pay Tv sector more considerably.
The Tv Market in Italy 2015-2017 - First signs of recovery and changes
- In 2015, the TV market shows the first signs of recovery after a long period of recession: total earnings have slightly grown of 0,6% from the previous year.
- The diffusion of platforms, after years of stagnation, is starting to change: Broadband TV will triple its accesses and will become the primary modality in 900.000 homes compared to the actual 300.000.
- In 2016 total earnings will still be growing and by the end of 2017 the market will reach €7,9 billion, at a annual average of +1,8% over the period considered.
- Advertising is still suffering the lingering conjunctural effects: though growing, the CAGR will be limited to +0,95%, driven primarily by the thematic channels.
- The pay-TV segment, despite the expected decline for DTH satellite, will increase in the considered period by +3,45%, thanks to the development of DTT offer and especially of Broadband TV.
- Mediaset, Rai and Sky Italia account almost for the entire market, with a combined share of 94%, that will decrease by 1 percentage point in 2017 as a result of the development of Broadband TV players.
- In advertising Mediaset will remain the main operator, with over half of the revenues.
- In the pay-TV segment Sky still keeps its leadership, even if showing a clear decreasing trend, shifting from 80% to 72% of the market. Mediaset Premium is growing, as well as the Other Operators component, driven by broadband TV and VOD.
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Il mercato TV in Italia 2013-2015 - La ripresa passa per internet
- Nonostante la crisi economica, il mercato televisivo in Italia mostra ancora notevole dinamismo, destinato ad accentuarsi nei prossimi anni.
- Completata la fase di switch off, scende la quota del digitale terrestre a vantaggio della broadband TV.
- Nel 2013 il mercato TV continua la fase recessiva, con una riduzione delle risorse complessive del-4% rispetto al 2012. Nei due anni successivi, pur in crescita, il mercato rimarrà a livelli inferiori a quelli del 2008.
- La ripresa del settore sarà condizionata dalla congiuntura economica generale. La pubblicità non riuscirà a recuperare le perdite accumulate nel 2012, anche se dal 2014 crescerà a una media del 3,7% annuo
- Si assiste in generale a un trasferimento delle risorse sugli Altri Operatori, grazie soprattutto alle nuove offerte via broadband e allo sviluppo dei canali tematici nel digitale terrestre
- La pay-TV continua il suo lento declino, anche se nel 2015 riprenderà a salire, grazie soprattutto all’offerta broadband (OTT).
- Pur con la forte riduzione degli investimenti nel 2013, la pubblicità torna a distanziare la pay TV e a essere la prima risorsa del mercato a partire dal 2014.