
Dove i contenuti incontrano la convergenza

ITMedia Consulting, società di ricerca e consulenza, opera nel campo dei contenuti e dei media digitali.

Ciò che ci caratterizza è la vocazione internazionale; la nostra peculiarità è il focus sui temi della transizione al digitale, dell’accessibilità dei contenuti e della convergenza tra media, internet e telecomunicazioni.


ITMedia Consulting ha affinato la propria esperienza lavorando accanto a operatori del settore – incumbent, nuovi entranti e regolatori – sui mercati internazionali e proponendosi come punto di riferimento per affrontare le sfide dell’ambiente digitale e della convergenza.

L’approccio innovativo, le elevate competenze del top management, la dimensione internazionale, l’autorevolezza e l’indipendenza consentono a ITMedia Consulting di offrire servizi non standardizzati, ma orientati alle specifiche esigenze del cliente.


The Italian Television Market 2021-2023
Small operators grow

Available from today, 7th December

The Covid-19 emergency has dramatically accelerated the transformation of the Italian television industry over the past two years. Never in decades has there been such radical change in such a short period of time. Against this backdrop of tremendous transformation, the year 2021 saw a number of events taking place that fundamentally altered the entire television landscape.

ITMedia Consulting, estimates that by the end of 2021, the TV market will grow 5.2% overall, returning above 2019 pre-Covid values and again bypassing the €8 billion barrier.

In pay-TV, we will see a recomposition process that on the one hand will significantly make subscribers grow, but not as much in  terms of revenues, since streaming offers are based on a much lower ARPUAdvertising recovers the 2020 losses, with double-digit growth (10.2%), thus returning to 2019 values and making a decisive contribution to the growth of the market as a whole.

Broadband TV also continues its unstoppable process of growth in the Italian households. ITMedia Consulting forecasts that at the end of 2023 the TV offer transmitted in BBTV will reach 12.8 million homes from 10.1 million in 2021, at an average annual growth rate of over 10%.

This and much more in an exclusive Report that analyzes market performance in 2021 and provides forecasts for the next two years before any other.


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- To buy the Report, click here

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