The simmering conflict between Rupert Murdoch and Silvio Berlusconi is threatening to heat up and spill over into other European markets in addition to Italy where relations are already strained.
[...] Last week, Berlusconi's Mediaset group said that it might take the fight beyond Italy and seek to compete with Murdoch in other European countries.
[...] An even bigger deal could be on home territory. Over the last few weeks the Italian press has reported that both Mediaset and Sky Italia/News Corporation are considering taking control of Telecom Italia by buying out main shareholder Telefonica.
[...] Augusto Preta, chief executive of Rome-based ITMedia Consulting said: "At the moment it is all rumors and it needs Telefonica to get out of Telecom Italia and nobody knows if that will happen."

New Media Markets, 6 marzo 2009
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