Video on Demand in Europe 2022-2025
The Big Gamble

The XVIII ITMedia Consulting Report on Advanced Television

The VOD sector in Western Europe will see a slowdown in revenue growth, dropping from 25 per cent a year ago to a CAGR of 7 per cent in the period 2022-2025, according to the VoD in Europe: 2022-2025: The Big Gamble report from Rome-based consultancy ITMedia Consulting. [...]

[...]  AVoD (and its live FAST variant) is establishing itself as a means of attracting and retaining users, with the gradual shift from linear TV to video streaming. Among the key factors that will drive further VoD growth by 2025 are technological innovation (5G, big data, and AI); content supply (sports and exclusive rights); direct access to linear TV services (AVoD, shift from library to live content); and new consumption habits (engagement with VoD via social media and social interactions). [...]

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